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Lifeguard Training - American Red Cross Certification - FREE

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For West Haven Residents, If you’re 15 or older and looking for a great part time job or a challenging career, that’s in demand, the American Red Cross Lifeguarding Program is one of the best places to start. Lifeguarding lets you work as part of a team to help people safely enjoy the water. You could even save a life!

Learning is fun and easy! Through Online Blended Learning videos, group discussion and hands-on practice, you’ll learn!  All Online work must be completed before the in person course work.  

Lifeguard Pre-Test Tryout:  Monday, June 3rd at 7:30pm - West Haven High School Pool, This is the Pre-Test Swim (Must be here if you want to register for the June class)
NEXT Class: 
In June 10, 11, 12.  

Build Your Future
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Exclusive Work Commitment to West Haven Parks & Recreation for 2 Years 
By Taking this course you will SAVE $500.00 and gain a JOB!  If you do not agree to this then please do not sign up for this course.  Training time is paid at a training rate!    

Starting Pay:
15 Year Old $17.00 per HR
16 Year+ Pay is $20.00 per HR working waterfront

Follow along on our INSTAGRAM Account! 

Any Questions Please email Margaret Ruggiero:  ruggiero@westhaven-ct.gov 

Lifeguard -(BL)
Provides entry-level participants the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until EMS personnel take over. Prerequisites: Minimum age: 15 years; Swim 300 yards continuously; Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs; Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds by starting in the water, swimming 20 yards, surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object, return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point, exit the water without using steps or a ladder. Participants who successfully complete the Lifeguarding course receive an American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED, valid for 2 years.

Waterfront Prerequisites:
  • Prerequisites:
  • Minimum age of 15.
  • Swim 550 yards (about 500 meters) continuously for Waterfront Course.
  • Starting in the water, swim 20 yards using front crawl or breaststroke, surface dive 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10 pound object, return to the surface, swim 20 yards back to the starting point with the object and exit the water without using a ladder or steps, within 1 minute, 40 seconds.
  • Swim 5 yards, submerge and retrieve three dive rings placed 5 yards apart in 4-7 feet of water, resurface and swim 5 yards to the side of the pool.

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the value of behaving in a professional manner.
  • Learn how to identify behaviors of a swimmer, distressed swimmer and an active or passive drowning victim.
  • Describe conditions that affect surveillance at a waterfront.
  • Understand the components of an emergency action plan and how to activate it.
  • Understand the general procedures for an emergency occurring in the water or on land.
  • Demonstrate how to perform equipment-based rescues.
  • Describe and demonstrate how to perform the skills used in special rescue situations, such as missing person procedures and cold-water rescue.
  • Demonstrate how to perform water-specific rescue skills for a waterfront facility.
  • Learn how to provide first aid and how to care for breathing and cardiac emergencies. Learn how to recognize and care for possible head, neck or back injuries.

  • Blended Learning Online & In Person Training Basic Lifeguarding - 20 Hour Course
  • Waterfront Course - 36 Hour Course

Certification Requirement:
  • Must attend ALL class sessions.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities.
  • Demonstrate competency in the three final skill scenarios.
  • Correctly answer at least 80 percent of the questions in the three sections of the final written exam.

Certificate Issued and Validity Period:
  • Lifeguarding/First Aid: 2 years
  • CPR/AED for Lifeguards: 2 year
  • *If you register for this Course it comes with a Exclusive 2 year Work Commitment to West Haven Parks & Recreation Department*

Participant Products/Materials:
  • American Red Cross Lifeguarding Book (available online)
  • CPR Mask
  • Swim attire at each class.

Margaret A. Ruggiero
Pool & Waterfront Coordinator
Email: ruggiero@westhaven-ct.cov

Other Information
  • Report to the West Haven High School Pool with swim attire for prerequisite test before you sign up for course

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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