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fall kids track
Ben learning shotput from Coach Khalil
Ben learning shotput from Coach Khalil
Easy peasy
Easy peasy
Good form for Javelin Brielle
Good form for Javelin Brielle
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I can get over this...
I can get over this...
Jeffrey and Coach Khalil
Jeffrey and Coach Khalil
learning the discus basics...the roll
learning the discus basics...the roll
Let me show you ...the hurdles are easy
Let me show you ...the hurdles are easy
Mason learning discus
Mason learning discus
Mikhael makes it look easy
Mikhael makes it look easy
Shot Put and Jav practice with Coach Khalil and Cindy
Shot Put and Jav practice with Coach Khalil and Cindy
Sophia is a natural hurdler
Sophia is a natural hurdler
Testing out the parachute runs
Testing out the parachute runs
Yahzae, Mason, and Ben waiting to throw discus
Yahzae, Mason, and Ben waiting to throw discus